Saturday, 8 October 2011

imnartist: 1 minute desktop hacks

These hacks are useful when ur friend has left his computer
for some time in ur hands for a minute.
1. Make Desktop icons inactive.
  • press ctrl+printscreen button
  • open mspaint
  • press ctrl+v
  • go to file menu click save
  • save with any name in my pictures
  • go mypictures
  • rightclick on the saved image
  • select set as background
  • go to desktop and right click on it
  • select arrange icons by -> show desktop icons

The desktop icons will become inactive and ur friend can’t click on these icons.
2. Change contrast of desktop.
Press shift+alt+printscreen buttons and click ok on popup window.
Press these buttons again to restore.
3. Startup application flooder.
open notepad
type the following:
start notepad
start mspaint
start msconfig
start cmd
start pinball
save the file as “start.bat” (with quates)
save in
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
when ever the computer is restarted
all the applications will start automatically.