The powerful but arrogant warrior Thor is cast out of the fantastic realm of Asgard and sent to live amongst humans on Earth, where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders.

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I never caught Thor in a movie theater; I just haven’t seen paying that much to see a movie in years, and with my ever changing work schedule at DISH I don’t have time to go see one, so usually I wait for the DVD release or for a movie t release on HBO and other movie channels. Thor joined that crowd when it began streaming on the EPIX page at DISH online. Verses the other Avenger build up movies; I felt that Thor was a bit rushed not building all of the characters enough. Mainly Jane was a cardboard character that we never really learn much about other then she digs Thor. I hope when they do the sequel after The Avengers that they are able to slow down a bit and build the characters so that you can feel that they exist and are more then just cardboard.